Getting started


Please note that the things related to project development aren’t documented here, and everything on this page is only related to the running of the program

After the setup has been completed as illustrated in Setup Instructions the server can be used with the swift-browser-ui command, the command line options can be found below.

Command line interface

The project has a command line interface, that can be used to quickly test the frontend for different endpoints and usage cases. It provides basic functionality e.g. starting the server and specify a variety of different settings, detailed below:

➜ swift-browser-ui --help
Usage: swift-browser-ui [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Command line interface for managing swift-browser-ui.

--version       Show the version and exit.
-v, --verbose   Increase program verbosity.
-D, --debug     Enable debug level logging.
--logfile TEXT  Write program logs to a file.
--help          Show this message and exit.

start    Start the browser backend and server.

Global arguments

The following command line arguments affect all of the commands in the application:


Flag to increase program verbosity.


Enable program debug messages.

--logfile FILE

Save all program output to a file.


Help on the CLI usage.


Display the program version

The server startup

The following command line arguments are available for server startup.

➜ swift-browser-ui start --help
Usage: swift-browser-ui start [OPTIONS]

Start the browser backend and server.

-p, --port INTEGER         Set the port the server is run on.
--auth-endpoint-url TEXT   Endpoint for the Openstack keystone API in use.
--has-trust                Flag if the program is listed on the
                           trusted_dashboards in the specified address.
--set-origin-address TEXT  Set the address that the program will be
                           redirected to from WebSSO
--secure                   Enable secure running, i.e. enable HTTPS.
--ssl-cert-file TEXT       Specify the certificate to use with SSL.
--ssl-cert-key TEXT        Specify the certificate key to use with SSL.
--help                     Show this message and exit.
--port PORT

Set the port that the server will use.

--auth-endpoint-url URL

REQUIRED – Set the endpoint that the program uses for authentication. The program cannot work without this.

--set-origin-address TEXT

Set the address that the program will be redirected to from WebSSO.


Toggle if the program has trust on the specified authentication endpoint, i.e. if the program has been listed on the respective Openstack keystone trusted_dashboard list. 1


Enable HTTPS on the server, to enable secure requests if there’s no TLS termination proxy.

--ssl-cert-file TEXT

Specify SSL certificate file. Required when running in secure mode.

--ssl-cert-key TEXT

Specify SSL certificate key. Required when running in secure mode.